Shining Light on Farm & Food Policy for 20 Years. Sunday, October 06, 2024

Articles by Jacqui Fatka


Eyes on how FDA will prioritize food safety

The Food and Drug Administration is being closely watched with an anticipated announcement expected January 31 on the direction the agency plans to take following the scathing Reagan-Udall report recommendations on improving FDA’s focus of food. Other work this year for the agency includes finalizing the Food Safety Modernization Act’s agricultural worker rule and reauthorizing the Animal Drug User Fee Act.
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Changes called for in EU’s Farm to Fork strategy

Farmers and ag stakeholders in the European Union don't object to the goals of the EU’s Farm to Fork strategy, but to the way the European Commission is trying to accomplish them, according to speakers on an Agri-Pulse-hosted webinar Thursday sponsored by the Crop Protection Action Coalition for Trade.

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