Shining Light on Farm & Food Policy for 20 Years. Sunday, July 14, 2024

Articles by Philip Brasher

Agri-Pulse Daybreak May 26, 2016

California, Energy-Water bill, JerryMcNerney, Kevin McCarthy, Donald Trump, Jim Talent, Rick Santorum, Kevin Cramer, Paul Ryan, Tom Vilsack, Organic Trade Association, Catfish Inspection, Miles McEvoy, Mike Conaway, Chellie Pingree
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Agri-Pulse Daybreak for May 25, 2016

catfish inspection, Pat Roberts, Thad Cochran, House Appropriations, Interior-Environment spending, waters of the U.S., Energy-Water spending bill, WOTUS, Secretary Tom Vilsack, Senator Jeff Merkley, Organic Trade Association
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Agri-Pulse Daybreak May 20, 2016

Chairman Pat Roberts, Debbie Stabenow, GMO Labeling, Vermont GMO, Farm Credit, Senator Thom Tillis, AquaBounty Technologies, Salmon, Senator Lisa Murkowski, SNAP, USDA, Agriculture Risk Coverage, President Obama, Japan, Vietnam
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Agri-Pulse Daybreak for May 19, 2016

Agriculture Appropriations Subcommittee, Senator Jerry Moran, Greg Herbruck, National Farmers Union, Chairman Kevin Brady, International Trade Commission, EPA, Renewable Volume Obligation, Bob Dinneen, Renewable Fuels Association, Feed the 5000
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