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Articles by Philip Brasher

Agri-Pulse Daybreak June 24, 2016

Biotechnology, Pat Roberts, Debbie Stabenow, Organic Trade Association, Consumers Union, Garyt Hirschberg, Just Label it, Grocery Manufacturers Association, American Soybean Association, American Farm Bureau, Clinton campiagn, Hillary Cliinton
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Agri-Pulse Daybreak for June 23, 2016

Chairman Pat Roberts, Gina McCarthy, EPA, Frank Lucas, Rural Appraisers, American Bankers Association, Appraisal Foundation, Speaker Paul Ryan, Donald Trump, TPP, Trans-Pacific Partnership, Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz, Rasins
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Lawmakers target EPA budget to rein in regulators

Having failed time after time to kill the Obama administration s new air and water rules, congressional Republicans are trying to hit the regulators in the pocketbook. Both the House and the Senate are advancing fiscal 2017 spending bills for the Environmental Protection Agency that w
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Lawmakers have a beef with Meatless Mondays

Lawmakers are telling the Pentagon to forget about the idea of Meatless Mondays. An amendment that the House adopted to the Defense Department s fiscal 2016 spending bill would prohibit the Pentagon from removing meat from its food service program manual.
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Agri-Pulse Daybreak for June 22, 2016

Environmnetal Protection Agency, Gina McCarthy, Chairman Lamar Smith, WHO's International agency for Research on Cancer. Energy Information Association. Lamar Smith, Pat Roberts DebbieStabenow, Catfish Inpection, Corker, Heidi Hantkamp
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Agri-Pulse Daybreak for June 17, 2016

Debbie Stabenow, Pat Roberts, Tom Vilsack, GMO Food Labeling, Vermont, Pamela Bailey, Grocery Manufacturers Association, Philadelphia, American Beverage Association, Rosa DeLauro, House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, White House
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