Shining Light on Farm & Food Policy for 20 Years. Saturday, July 13, 2024

Articles by Philip Brasher

Agri-Pulse Daybreak April 18, 2016

Supreme Court, DAPA, United Farm Workers, Farmers Investment Company, Mike Conaway, 2017 Spending Bill, House Freedom Caucus, House Speaker Paul Ryan, Senator Jeff Flake, Senator Jeanne Shaheen, Representative Rosa DeLauro, National Assembly
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Agri-Pulse Daybreak for April 15, 2016

Senator Bernie Sanders, Hillary Clinton, WOTUS, Senator John Hoeven, Army Corps of Engineers, GMO labeling, Debbie Stabenow, Pat Roberts, Marcia Fudge, Government Accountability Office, CRISPR, EPA, Gina McCarthy, National Wildlife Federation
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Global biotech acreage declines for first time

The amount of land planted to genetically engineered crops fell last year for the first time ever, as slumping prices for corn and cotton encouraged U.S. farmers to plant alternative, non-biotech crops such as sorghum, according to an annual global survey.
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