Shining Light on Farm & Food Policy for 20 Years. Friday, September 06, 2024


Robert Califf

Califf says FDA food side needs a revamp

The Food and Drug Administration will accelerate its review of the agency’s food regulatory functions in the wake of the infant formula shortage that has prompted severe criticism of FDA’s ability to react quickly to emergency situations.
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Dairy cattle

US initiates new dairy dispute consultations with Canada

The U.S. is again demanding to enter into official consultations with Canada over complaints that Ottawa continues to manipulate its dairy import quotas that stymie U.S. exports, the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative said Wednesday. Those consultations could lead to the U.S. calling for a second dispute panel under the U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement.
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Rep. Glenn 'GT' Thompson

Key disagreement hangs up ag climate bill

Nearly a year after the Senate overwhelmingly passed a bipartisan bill aimed at jump-starting ag climate markets, the bill remains mired in the House Agriculture Committee, raising the possibility the legislation could be punted to the farm bill debate in the next Congress.
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Anthony Blinken

US, allies scrambling to address new global hunger issues

The war in Ukraine has laid bare the fact that agriculture is the key to national security. It’s a lesson that world leaders are taking to heart as they scramble to lessen global reliance on key sources of food and fertilizer, but it’s unclear if it will be too late to stop the slide from food crises to famine in some of the poorest and least developed countries.
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Generics, trade among top ag chem concerns

Makers of adjuvants and inerts that are added to pesticide active ingredients to improve their performance need to keep a close eye on the growing number losing patent protection in the next few years, speakers told attendees at last week’s conference of the Council of Producers and Distributors of Agrotechnology.
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