Shining Light on Farm & Food Policy for 20 Years. Sunday, October 06, 2024



Perry makes his case to be next Energy Secretary

WASHINGTON, Jan. 19, 2017 – Former Texas Gov. Rick Perry promised senators today that he is capable of running the Energy Department and has changed some key beliefs since famously saying during a past presidential bid that the department should be abolished.
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How will Trump's Cabinet address energy and climate?

WASHINGTON, Jan. 19, 2017 - A major question arising this week during confirmation hearings for Donald Trump’s cabinet picks is whether his administration, which takes office on Friday, will accept and act on the scientific consensus that climate change is a clear and present danger – or reflect Trump’s climate-change skepticism.
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Late selection of secretary slows naming of USDA officials

WASHINGTON, Jan. 18, 2017 - President-elect Donald Trump’s delayed selection of his new agriculture secretary not only has created consternation among his farm belt supporters and many farm group leaders, it likely will mean that filling USDA’s sub-cabinet and agency officials will take even longer than usual.
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