Articles Tagged with ''glyphosate''

Capitol Bldg

Washington Week Ahead: RFK Jr. faces Senate committees

Robert F. Kennedy Jr., whose nomination to lead the Department of Health and Human Services set off alarms in the agriculture and food sectors as well as health care, appears before two Senate committees back to back this week. In addition, farmers and industry leaders gather in San Antonio, Texas for the American Farm Bureau Federation's annual meeting and the International Dairy Foods Association's Dairy Forum.

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Ten issues to watch this year: Farm and agriculture policy faces broad uncertainty

Tax and spending cuts are at the top of the to-do list for congressional Republicans and President-elect Donald Trump. But there are a broad array of other issues in play that are critical to food and agriculture, from farm bill and the next dietary guidelines to regulations for pesticides and gene-edited crops, and the future of the Biden administration's climate policies.

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Bayer inches closer to Supreme Court on FIFRA preemption issue

Bayer is another step closer to getting its wish — a date before the Supreme Court where it can argue that the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act pre-empts state laws that have allowed plaintiffs who claim Roundup caused their cancer to prevail in court cases against the agrochemical company.
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US counters Mexican arguments on GE corn ban

Mexico’s arguments in favor of prohibiting imports of genetically engineered corn from the U.S. are not accompanied by any scientific backing, the United States said in a sharply worded rebuttal filed in its ongoing trade dispute with the country.
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