Shining Light on Farm & Food Policy for 20 Years. Thursday, September 26, 2024

Articles Tagged with ''glyphosate''

US Mexico Border

Novak: Mexico heading down EU path on ag restrictions

Mexico isn’t just banning the herbicide glyphosate. It’s also violating agreements under the newly enacted U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement and showing signs that the government is following in the footsteps of the European Union and its restrictions on U.S. farm commodities, CropLife America President and CEO Christopher Novak tells Agri-Pulse.
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Chris Novak

Q&A with Chris Novak, CEO of CropLife America

CropLife America President and CEO Chris Novak says the nation's crop protection sector is battered, but not broken after enduring a growing season that took place in the midst of a pandemic that stalled many other facets of the economy. 
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