BOSTON, Oct. 11, 2017 - As Massachusetts gets closer to implementing its Solar Massachusetts Renewable Target (SMART) program designed to make the state a leader in solar energy, net metering (NEM) caps are blamed for causing a 4 percent loss of solar jobs. The Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA), Vote Solar, Coalition for Community Solar Access (CCSA), Northeast Clean Energy Council (NECEC), Solar Energy Business Association of New England (SEBANE), and MassSolar recommended raising net metering caps by 5 percent while improving their structure to facilitate community solar projects. “Today, more than 120 projects and tens of millions of investment dollars are being left on the table because of the state’s inability to date to lift the NEM cap,” said Sean Gallagher, SEIA’s vice president of state affairs. The groups also advocated for lowering solar costs and improving billing procedures.

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