Shining Light on Farm & Food Policy for 20 Years. Tuesday, July 09, 2024

Agri-Pulse Open Mic Interview

In depth interviews with leaders in ag policy
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Jim Matheson

NRECA CEO Jim Matheson


This week’s Open Mic guest is Jim Matheson, CEO of the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association. The 900 consumer-owned coops in the nation are generally on solid footing and able to meet the needs of rural communities in the 47 states they serve. However, meeting the need for additional power demands will mean a significant investment in securing the base load as well as infrastructure. Matheson says over 60% of the current electric supply is being met with the burning of fossil fuels. Additional demand will need to be met with a reliable power supply. Electric cooperatives are assisting rural residents to gain access to broadband and Matheson hopes more cooperatives will expand service to more residents and at higher speeds.

Open Mic: Mike Seyfert, President and CEO of the National Grain and Feed Association

This week’s Open Mic guest is Mike Seyfert, President and CEO of the National Grain and Feed Association. NFGA celebrates its 125th anniversary this week and maintains the same objectives and mission statement that brought the group together over a century ago. Seyfert says NGFA members celebrate House approval of the Infrastructure Bill and look forward to much needed improvements in the nation’s roads, bridges and waterways. Seyfert says NGFA supports competition in the rail industry and continued service to local elevators even to the last mile of service. NGFA supports funding toward expansion of conservation practices on working lands but is concerned with programs that would idle additional acres. Seyfert echoes comments from legislators that congressional ag leaders should be responsible for amending farm programs. NGFA supports free trade and would welcome attempts to see the U.S. join the CPTPP.

ASTA President and CEO Andy LaVigne


This week’s Open Mic guest is Andy LaVigne, president and CEO of the American Seed Trade Association. While farmers grapple with the price and availability of fertilizer and crop protection products for 2022, LaVigne says the seed industry should be well supplied and ready to meet seed demand for the new year. LaVigne says the seed industry needs consistent regulatory rules from Washington and uniform acceptance and guidance on new plant breeding techniques. LaVigne says global acceptance of new crop traits is essential to help farmers meet their production and sustainability goals. LaVigne sees new plant-based proteins, fuels and products as opportunities for growth for farmers and seed providers.


Rep. Rick Crawford, R-Ark.


This week’s Open Mic guest is Rep. Rick Crawford, R-Ark. The Arkansas First District Representative isn’t a fan of the infrastructure packages under consideration in Washington. As a member of the House Committee on Agriculture, Crawford believes climate-smart agriculture programs and conservation spending should fall under the ag leadership of legislators. He doesn’t see an urgency to approve new funds now that amend or compete with existing farm programs. Crawford is outspoken on what he sees as China’s growing influence in Latin America and trade tactics that undermine U.S. national security. He also discusses the lack of new trade agreements and prospects for immigration reform.


CropLife America CEO Chris Novak


This week’s Open Mic guest is Chris Novak, president and CEO of CropLife America. The crop protection industry is working to overcome challenges on a number of fronts to provide an adequate supply of products for farmers in the 2022 crop year. Chris Novak says CLA members are dealing with the aftermath of Hurricane Ida, labor issues, ingredient availability as well as shipping and transportation hurdles. Novak says the industry is challenged by a domestic regulatory structure that struggles with the weight of public scrutiny and a lack of trust of approved science for crop protection tools farmers need to sustainably meet the challenge of providing food, fiber and fuel for the nation.


National Pork Board CEO Bill Even


This week’s Open Mic guest is Bill Even, CEO of the National Pork Board. The nation’s swine producers are cautiously optimistic given consistent domestic demand for pork and increases in volume and value of U.S. pork export sales. On the home front, Even suggests the industry is focused on protecting the herd from African swine fever and is working at every level along with USDA and other government agencies to safeguard animals and the supply chain. Even says the pork checkoff continues to share the sustainability story of the nation’s hog farmers and is working to identify avenues to see pork production is carbon neutral in the very near future. In the meat case, Even says there’s tremendous consumer acceptance for ground pork and the industry is ramping up to satisfy the consumer appetite for the versatile protein source.