Shining Light on Farm & Food Policy for 20 Years. Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Agri-Pulse Open Mic Interview

In depth interviews with leaders in ag policy
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Ag Committee Chairman Mike Conaway

This week’s guest on Open Mic is House Agriculture Committee Chairman Mike Conaway. As his committee plans to markup the 2018 farm bill proposal on Wednesday, the Chairman shares thoughts on the politics and the key provisions in the draft proposal including proposed SNAP revisions, conservation programs, and adjustments to Title 1. The Texas Republican also discusses the Trump administration’s trade agenda and trusts USDA Secretary Sonny Perdue to provide protection to potential trade retaliation from global trading partners. Conaway says the nation’s Renewable Fuel Standard is unworkable and needs amendments by both the White House and Congress.

Open Mic: Corey Rosenbusch, President and CEO The Fertilizer Institute

Duration: 24:45

This week’s Open Mic guest is Corey Rosenbusch, President and CEO of The Fertilizer Institute. Fresh off a meeting of the International Fertilizer Association, Rosenbusch offers troubling news on how Houthi rebels are impacting fertilizer shipping channels and how Vladimir Putin is conspiring to control fertilizer supplies and ultimately global food security.  At home, Rosenbusch says TFI members share the call of commodity organizations to Washington to deliver a new farm bill. Rosenbusch hopes the Treasury Department can deliver clear nutrient guidance in the new IRA 45Z rules.


Agri-Pulse Open Mic: Donnell Rehagen - Clean Fuels Alliance America

Duration: 25:21

This week’s Open Mic guest is Donnell Rehagen, CEO of Clean Fuels Alliance America. With an expanded mission of increased renewable fuels types and feedstocks, CFAA hopes to see expanded growth of renewable liquid fuels in the near future. Rehagen sees the industry’s potential beyond the 4.6 billion gallon industry as it stands today with growth in industrial, transportation and sustainable aviation fuel, but feedstock availability and government regulations have proven formidable headwinds for industry growth.  CFAA applauds Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack’s call for information to develop sustainable agriculture practices to help qualify crops as feedstocks for the Treasury Department's 45Z rules and tax credits.

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Open Mic: Andy Harig, FMI-The Food Industry Association

Duration: 25:24

This week’s Open Mic guest is Andy Harig, Vice President of Tax, Trade, Sustainability and Policy Development for FMI-The Food Industry Association. Consumers and the food industry have been forced to adapt to the Covid Pandemic as well as higher food costs from inflation. Harig says the market’s philosophy has shifted from a “just in time” to a “just in case” mentality. He says the food industry is adapting to consumers who spend less time preparing meals and are more sensitive to the sustainability of the food supply. Harig says FMI members want a new farm bill for nutrition as well as security of the domestic food supply.


Open Mic: Steve Nicholson, Global Sector Strategist, Rabobank

Duration: 24:28

This week’s Open Mic guest is Steve Nicholson, Global Sector Strategist for Grains and Oilseeds with Rabobank. In this interview, Nicholson discusses the mixed signals the Federal Reserve is sifting through as it continues to battle inflation. While there improvements in the economy, Nicholson says higher rates impact capital intensive businesses like transportation and agriculture. He says farmers need clear answers on risk management tools a new farm bill should provide.


Open Mic: Gregg Doud, President and CEO NMPF

Duration: 25:26

This weeks Open Mic Guest is Gregg Doud, president and CEO of the National Milk Producers Federation.  The H5N1 virus in dairy cattle has presented yet another challenge for the dairy industry.  Doud says extensive testing by FDA confirms the pasteurization process is effective in keeping milk and dairy products safe for consumers.  Doud says USDA now believes the disease is being spread between dairy farms by mechanical means.  The industry is monitoring existing protocols and closing gaps that may have led to the disease spread to a number of dairy states in the nation. Doud also comments on Federal Milk Marketing Order reform and a USDA proposal that will be released soon, and he also talks about the House Ag Committee’s farm bill proposal.