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Shining Light on Farm & Food Policy for 20 Years.
Tuesday, March 11, 2025
USDA announced several actions today to promote fair and competitive markets, including new rulemaking steps under the Packers and Stockyards Act and increased access to seed germplasm.
The Justice Department and the Federal Trade Commission have finalized a new set of merger guidelines that lay out the framework the two agencies will use when investigating future mergers.
An Agriculture Department letter warning the largest makers of corn, soybean and cotton seeds to double-check their compliance with labeling requirements is being welcomed by some groups as a step toward the agency’s goal for a fairer seed marketplace, while others would rather see the agency tackling other seed competition issues.
The top officials at Kroger and Albertsons tried on Tuesday to assure senators worried about food prices and industry consolidation that consumers will benefit from their supermarket giants' proposed $24.6 billion merger.
Cory Booker is on a mission to fix what he calls the “broken American food system.” As one of the newest members of the Senate Agriculture Committee, the New Jersey Democrat and vegan is positioned to shape the next farm bill.
Recent attention to the country’s meatpacking plants has illustrated that when the four dominant companies face disruptions to processing, smaller, independent operations don’t have adequate capacity to pick up the slack.
Democratic presidential candidates are trying to make agribusiness consolidation into a campaign issue, and some Republicans as well as farmers also worry that recent mergers are increasingly making it harder for growers to make a profit.