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Wednesday, March 05, 2025
The state of America’s citrus industry is a tale of two coasts. Florida’s industry continues to reel from a devastating disease infestation and multiple hurricanes, and California has taken over as No. 1 in U.S. citrus production.
Huanglongbing – also known as Citrus Greening Disease – has caused Florida’s orange production to decline by nearly 90% since 2005, allowing California to overtake the country’s top-producing citrus state.
Despite a widespread invasion of Southern California by the host insect for citrus greening, the San Joaquin Valley has been able to beat back the bug.
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The House Appropriations Committee has approved $69.5 million to be put toward researching and preventing the spread of Huanglongbing, or citrus greening disease, in the United States.
The Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service has reopened the comment period until April 30 on a 2017 proposal to use a protein found in spinach to combat citrus greening disease.