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Shining Light on Farm & Food Policy for 20 Years.
Wednesday, March 26, 2025
In this opinion piece, Rep. David Valadao highlights the devastating impact natural disasters have had on the ag industry over the last year and the importance of ensuring producers have timely access to relief.
In this opinion piece, Jon Doggett, former CEO of the National Corn Growers Association, responds to a previous op-ed by Kip Tom and expresses concern about the impact of Donald Trump's policy positions on agriculture.
The California Farm Bureau elected Shannon Douglass to a two-year term as its president in December. She previously served as CAFB vice president and is the first woman to head the organization.
Kevin Shea has been named senior adviser in the Office of the Deputy Secretary at USDA and Veronica Nigh has joined The Fertilizer Institute as the senior economist.
A coalition of biofuels groups is pushing back at a federal appeals court ruling. The 5th U.S. Circuit of Appeals last week vacated multiple denials of small refinery exemption requests from the biofuel blending mandates, ruling that the agency had used an “impermissibly retroactive” standard.
Former FDA Deputy Commissioner of Food Policy and Response Frank Yiannas has joined Wiliot and Janie Hipp has started a new job as the CEO and president of the Native Agriculture Financial Services.
A key dairy-state lawmaker and Senate Agriculture Committee member hopes the 2023 farm bill will help expand rural broadband service, and he also believes that it's also critical for Congress to address ag labor needs.
The number of unfilled grain car orders shot up 231% during the second quarter of this year, according to an American Farm Bureau Federation analysis of government data.