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Shining Light on Farm & Food Policy for 20 Years.
Friday, March 28, 2025
The American beef cattle herd is as small as it has been since the 1950s, giving producers booming sales checks, but squeezing packers and consumers with higher prices.
The U.S. agricultural industry had a successful sojourn in Dubai, with dozens of industry and government officials bringing the message that farmers can address climate change using a “climate-smart” approach that does not sacrifice production.
Swine processing facilities operating under a trial of increased line speeds will have an additional 90 days to run at the faster limits as USDA continues to collect and submit data on the impact to workers, USDA’s Food Safety and Inspection Service said in a constituent update late Tuesday.
The pork industry is awaiting action by USDA ahead of Nov. 30 on whether processing plants can move to the faster line speeds that a few facilities have been allowed to use in a time-limited trial.
The Supreme Court is poised to upend a longstanding legal doctrine that industry critics say gives federal agencies too much power to interpret the laws passed by Congress.
Meat industry stakeholders as well as the governments of Canada and Mexico warned USDA’s proposed “Product of USA" label for meat could have discriminatory market impacts and again put the U.S. at risk of a trade war.
Congressional leaders are sounding some notes of optimism after a second meeting with President Biden over the debt ceiling. House Speaker Kevin McCarthy welcomed Biden’s decision to appoint administration officials to lead the negotiations from his side. “I think we set the stage to carry on further conversations,” McCarthy said.