Items Tagged with 'automation'



Specialty crop growers increasing automation adoption

Specialty crop growers anticipate labor costs, which already represent more than 50% of their production costs, to grow 10-30% over the next three to five years. They’re increasingly turning to automation as a solution, according to a new specialty crop automation report released by the Western Growers.

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Farm labor

What will tomorrow’s ag workers and farmers look like?

Editor's note: This is the third in our seven-part in-depth editorial series where we look ahead at “Farm & Food 2040.” Part three looks at how the failure to pass meaningful immigration reform is fueling adoption of the newest technologies in automation—primarily robotics—to stem the need for immigrant farmworkers. And we also feature new research identifying the "Farmer of the Future."
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Robot Milker

Farm robotics: Lots of progress but far from the finish line

WASHINGTON, Feb. 22, 2017 - In a display of both pop music talent and robotics advancement, Lady GaGa opened her flashy Super Bowl half-time show last month singing God Bless America while a computer choreographed 300 drones with red, white and blue LED lights in the sky to form a U.S. flag.
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