Items Tagged with 'AFBF'


AFBF Panel Angie Craig GT Thompson Sara Wyant Ag Committee 1.jpg

House Ag leaders debate farm bill, possible SNAP cuts

Craig says last year's bill was skewed to southern crops

House Agriculture  Chairman Glenn “GT” Thompson indicated Monday he wants to limit cuts to SNAP that Republicans will try to make through the budget reconciliation process. But the panel’s new top Democrat, Rep. Angie Craig, questioned whether he can hold the line and warned that a deep reduction could ultimately doom a new farm bill. She also said the committee's farm bill last year was skewed to benefit southern farmers. 

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Year in review: Farm bill stalemate, elections, disasters and H5N1 dominate ag news

In 2024, rural America played a large role in carrying Donald Trump to the White House for a second time. Across the country, hurricanes damaged ag infrastructure in Florida, the Carolinas and the Southeastern U.S., and H5N1 spread to dairy cattle. 

After months of development, the farm bill passed out of the House Ag Committee with four Democratic votes and guarded optimism, but it never even made it to the House floor, ultimately leading to another one-year extension of the 2018 farm bill.

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Farm Hands on the Potomac General Graphic

Farm Hands on the Potomac: Bray joins Global Farmer Network, Baig tapped as White House advisor

Ag policy veteran Kellie Bray is joining the Global Farmer Network as director of partnerships while also starting her own business, KBray Consulting. Patrick Creamer has officially retired from his post as communications director for the Senate Agriculture Committee.

Andrew Walmsley joined the Council of Producers and Distributors of Agrotechnology as vice president of government relations. Sanah Baig is the new White House senior policy advisor for agriculture and nutrition. 

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