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Shining Light on Farm & Food Policy for 20 Years.
Thursday, March 06, 2025
Donald Trump has reclaimed the presidency, and Republicans will take charge of the Senate in January. Those results have big implications for a lot of issues, including trade and immigration as well as tax and regulatory policy that are critical to agriculture.
Free-range poultry and cage-free eggs may command higher prices in the supermarket but they offer consumers little or no demonstrable benefit in food safety or quality, animal health and welfare or healthful food, a panel of scientists concluded after a review of a battery of research papers they called "inconclusive and often contradictory."
Have an agricultural subject that you think needs investigation? The Council for Agricultural Science and Technology is inviting suggestions for possible in-depth studies by a task force of agricultural scientists.
Growing public concern over animal welfare is driving the need to examine the impact of large-scale production systems on animals' quality of life, a new report from the Council for Agricultural Science and Technology says.
Federal regulation of agricultural biotechnology needs to be based on risk and not on process, a wide range of scientists and food industry executives agreed at the Agri-Pulse Ag and Food Policy Summit.