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Shining Light on Farm & Food Policy for 20 Years.
Wednesday, March 26, 2025
States in the upper and lower halves of the Colorado River basin have unveiled conflicting visions on what path the Bureau of Reclamation should follow when crafting a new framework governing water cuts after current guidelines’ 2026 expiration.
Arizona, California and Nevada's plan for conserving at least 3 million acre feet of water will be more effective at staving off the threat of two primary Colorado River reservoirs falling to "critical elevations" over the next three years than current guidelines, the Bureau of Reclamation said Wednesday.
The GOP-controlled House on Thursday advanced a bill that would eliminate states' ability to ban the sale of vehicles with internal combustion engines under the Clean Air Act.
Tax credits and funding boosts for on-farm energy programs through the Inflation Reduction Act could incentivize more farmers to install anaerobic digestion systems on their farms, a major part of the Biden Administration’s plan for reducing methane emissions.
Some ag shippers are still using the Port of Oakland to send wine, walnuts, fruits, vegetables, hay and rice to foreign buyers, but many other exporters are also looking for alternatives to the key — but troubled — West Coast shipping point.
Arizona's farmers, already receiving 65% less Colorado River water, are preparing to be entirely cut off from the aqueduct supply as the Bureau of Reclamation pressures states to slash water usage amid an ongoing drought.
Congress last week made it clear that ocean carrier companies cannot “unreasonably” refuse to book space on ships for U.S. ag exports, but now it’s up to the Federal Maritime Commission to decide exactly what that means and the fate of foreign markets for U.S. some farm commodities is at stake.
The Supreme Court has set Oct. 11 as the date when the National Pork Producers Council and the American Farm Bureau Federation will be able to make their final case for overturning Proposition 12, a California ballot initiative that would require pork sold in the state to come from sows afforded a minimum amount of space.
Officials from USDA’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service won’t be inspecting Mexican avocados for export to the U.S. until the agency is confident there are safe working conditions in the state of Michoacán, effectively cutting off exports from the only Mexican state allowed to ship to the U.S.