Items Tagged with 'Tara Smith'


Flodded corn

Experts say crop insurance program reflects climate change, new innovations

The debate over climate policy usually includes some discussion about whether the U.S. crop insurance system should be changed to either incentivize more conservation or better address weather threats. Yet two experts said this public-private partnership is already reflecting changes in climate and new innovations in agriculture, with the potential for more targeted improvements to come.
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Joel Leftwich

Farm Hands on the Potomac…for Feb. 8, 2017

WASHINGTON, Feb. 8, 2017 - Joel Leftwich is stepping down as majority staff director for the Senate Agriculture Committee to pursue other interests. He’s being replaced by James Glueck, a senior policy adviser for the panel who has experience at USDA and in the private sector. Leftwich is a longtime aide to Chairman Pat Roberts, R-Kan., and a former top lobbyist for PepsiCo. Glueck, a native Texan, has been on the committee staff since March 2013.


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