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Shining Light on Farm & Food Policy for 20 Years.
Wednesday, March 26, 2025
Texas farmers will receive about 10% of the $9.7 billion in market relief payments that Congress authorized in its year-end funding bill, according to a University of Missouri analysis. Iowa, Illinois and Kansas will collectively receive another 25% of the total.
Jimmy Carter, the former president and statesman who died Sunday at 100, was famously proud of being a peanut farmer and is being remembered for working to address food insecurity through modern farming practices and technology, and for giving time to help his old industry.
Regenerative agriculture incentive programs are reaching peanut growers in the southeast United States, promising lower emission benefits through a partnership with National Black Growers Council (NBGC), J.M. Smucker Co. and ADM.
Senate Ag Committee Chairwoman Debbie Stabenow is making clear she doesn’t like what the House Ag Committee did in its farm bill when it comes to commodity programs.
Southern producers with cotton, rice and peanut base acreage would see their farm program payments more than double, while growers in other regions would see smaller increases under the GOP farm bill the House Agriculture Committee will consider this week, according to a new analysis.
Soybean and wheat growers are taking the lead in pushing for lawmakers to increase farm program reference prices in the next farm bill, even as lawmakers wrestle with how to come up with the extra money that would be required.
U.S. peanut farmers were enjoying an expanding market in the European Union until government officials there decided to tighten up restrictions in 2019. Now U.S. exports are about a third of what they were and shipments are falling fast as American farmers try to make their case to European regulators and plead for help from the Biden administration to help regain the lucrative market.
The U.S. sold about $20 million worth of peanuts to Japanese importers last year, but the American Peanut Council expects that American farmers will be able to sell a lot more in the coming years now that they have a tariff advantage over the Chinese.
A group of scientists at the Food Processing and Sensory Quality Research Laboratory in New Orleans has created an oral immunotherapy drug to desensitize patients to allergic reactions from peanuts.
The Southern Peanut Farmers Federation, the American Peanut Shellers Association and the National Peanut Buying Points Association have joined together to create the United States Peanut Federation, which announced its formation in a press release last Thursday.