Shining Light on Farm & Food Policy for 20 Years. Saturday, July 20, 2024

Items Tagged with 'Illinois Farm Bureau'



EPA Science Advisory Board gets ready for action

The Environmental Protection Agency’s Science Advisory Board, which has been dormant so far during the Biden administration, is likely to tackle climate change and environmental justice issues when it starts meeting again later this year, EPA and new members say.
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soybeans and farmer

Trump administration to farmers: Hold fast in rough times ahead

The Trump administration dispatched two of its top trade officials to meet with farm groups last week and the message was straightforward: The trade war that has generated tens of billions of dollars in tariffs on U.S. farm commodities isn’t likely to be over soon, and the ag sector needs to prepare for a lot more pain.
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Soil Health

Cover crops gain momentum, but fall below targets

WASHINGTON, Sept. 27, 2017 - Farmers from Maryland to Illinois are turning their soil into a kind of sponge and absorbing the benefits: Planting cover crops such as cereal rye and varieties of radish during harvest season can simultaneously enhance the soil and increase yield. New studies support what farmers and agronomists have been saying for years – that cover crops reduce nutrient runoff, improve soil health and, most important for farmers, increase yields.
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