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Shining Light on Farm & Food Policy for 20 Years.
Wednesday, March 26, 2025
The Agriculture Department will provide $2 billion to fruit, vegetable and nut growers through a newly launched program, Secretary Tom Vilsack announced Tuesday.
Mexico’s Supreme Court refused last week for the second time in six weeks to make a ruling that could allow substantial new access to the Mexican market worth hundreds of millions of dollars annually for U.S. potatoes, fueling Mexican farmers' determination to continue their fight against the trade.
Mexico’s Supreme Court has delayed a controversial decision on banning U.S. fresh potatoes that could have wider implications on agricultural trade with Mexico.
When Japan was asked if it wanted fries to go with recent free trade agreements, it said yes. Unfortunately for U.S. potato farmers and processors, those fries will come mostly from Canadian and Belgian spuds.
WASHINGTON, July 13, 2017 – Members of the Senate Agriculture Committee are being urged to maintain funding for two key USDA export assistance programs that the Trump administration has targeted for elimination as well as other programs that help U.S. farmers sell everything from apples to popcorn overseas.