Shining Light on Farm & Food Policy for 20 Years. Monday, December 23, 2024

Items Tagged with 'Alexis Taylor'


01Farm Hands West

Farm Hands West: Fraser to lead Pistachio Growers; Yanez joins Invariant

The American Pistachio Growers tapped Zachary Fraser as president and CEO. Before joining the associaiton, he led a career in sports media, most recently leading LEARFIELD's Fresno State athletics property. Invariant added Nathan Yanez to staff as a manager. Previously, he was a senior account executive at the California-based Lucas Public Affairs focused on biotechnology and the environment.Anna Claire Stietenroth joined the office of Rep. David Schweikert, R-Ariz., as a legislative assistant. She will work on the agriculture, food, animals, transportation and public works portfolio areas.
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Farm Hands on the Potomac General Graphic

Farm Hands on the Potomac: IDFA promotions; FRAC leadership changes; Luke joins Syngenta

The International Dairy Foods Association has announced three staff promotions Andrew Jerome to vice president of communications, Jessica Matsko to manager of executive office and special projects and Victoria Pender to manager of events and programs. The Food Research Action Center named Crystal FitzSimons as interim president, succeeding former interim president Kelly Horton who began that position in April. Syngenta hired Susan Luke former director of global issues and crisis communication for Bayer’s crop science division as a senior communications manager for Syngenta U.S. Crop Protection and corporate communications.
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