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Shining Light on Farm & Food Policy for 20 Years.
Sunday, March 30, 2025
The Environmental Protection Agency says it will allow farmers to resume using chlorpyrifos insecticide on 11 crops in response to an appeals court ruling last month that the agency failed to adequately consider the safety of those uses.
Grower groups cheered when a federal appeals court ruled last week that EPA’s decision to revoke all food tolerances for chlorpyrifos ran afoul of the law. But they also know that the court ruling does not mean that renewed access to the insecticide is guaranteed.
In a major victory for grower groups, a federal appeals court vacated EPA regulations banning the use of chlorpyrifos, which should allow the insecticide to continue to be used in agriculture.
Strong commodity prices and tight grain stocks are likely to keep pressure on fertilizer prices for some time to come, a representative of the industry told the House Agriculture Committee on Tuesday.
Republicans plan to use their razor-thin House majority and the committee control it gives them to investigate the Biden administration’s regulation of pesticides, climate policy and other issues important to agriculture.
The Environmental Protection Agency is considering how to allow some continued uses of chlorpyrifos in the future, even though the chemical’s use on food crops has been revoked.
The Environmental Protection Agency is standing by its decision to revoke all chlorpyrifos tolerances, clearing the way for a court to decide whether to allow continued use of the insecticide.