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Shining Light on Farm & Food Policy for 20 Years.
Wednesday, March 26, 2025
Summit Carbon Solutions is prepared to capitalize on Navigator CO2’s decision not to proceed with its plan to build a 1,300-mile pipeline that would transport liquid carbon dioxide for sequestration, Summit's CEO tells Agri-Pulse.
Tyson Foods, one of the four big meat processors that’s been the target of critics in the White House and Capitol Hill, says it’s beef business is softening as cost-conscious consumers turn to other meats.
Interest, but also concern, is rising over three pipelines planned for the Midwest to capture carbon from ethanol plants and sequester it, which advocates for the projects say is a crucial step for meeting climate change goals.
President Joe Biden has signed proclamations to expand the perimeters of several national monuments, a move that will alter the management of millions of acres of western lands.
New animal rights agendas in Western states are threatening to curtail livestock production there as animal rights groups latched onto an environmental platform that calls for cutting back or eliminating meat consumption altogether to help slow climate change.