Items Tagged with 'FMI-The Food Industry Association'


Capitol Bldg

Washington Week Ahead: Possible USDA shutdown looms with funding deadline

Lawmakers have until Friday to pass the first of their fiscal 2024 spending bills, including the measure needed to fund USDA, or they’ll have to pass another stopgap spending measure to avert a partial shutdown of the government.  The Biden administration also is scheduled to announce a critical update of the GREET model that’s used to measure the carbon intensity of biofuels.

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Pork processing

Meat industry, food system debated in supply chain comments

More workers and a more diverse food system, including small and medium-sized meatpackers, are necessary for American agriculture to maintain resilience in the face of threats to the system, commenters told USDA as the department embarks on its effort to reimagine the country's agricultural supply chains.
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