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Shining Light on Farm & Food Policy for 20 Years.
Friday, March 28, 2025
More than a dozen ground cinnamon products have been recalled over the last year, after the Food and Drug Administration boosted efforts to monitor and test lead levels, following last year's recall of apple-cinnamon puree products linked with over 500 cases of lead poisoning in children.
Companies along the food supply chain are working to meet traceability regulations ahead of the compliance deadline on January 20, 2026. But along with general challenges in adopting these changes, experts point to one key gray area: Food delivery.
In November 2022, the Food and Drug Administration finalized a rule under the Food Safety Modernization Act that requires companies to keep additional records for some foods to better trace foodborne illness outbreaks.
Senate Agriculture Committee Debbie Stabenow, D-Mich., is sounding upbeat about her farm bill proposal after releasing a detailed summary of what’s in it.
Groups representing consumers and state governments say FDA's budget plans for 2025 mean a de facto cut for essential state programs that are already underfunded. The result could lead to failure to implement the Food Safety Modernization Act.
Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack says work is progressing on vaccines for Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza, but scientific and trade challenges remain.
FDA has closed an investigation into salmonella outbreaks in romaine lettuce in 2020 and 2021 after failing to trace the contamination to its original source.
Getting into the field and hearing from stakeholders directly will be an important part of how Jim Jones, the Food and Drug Administration's deputy commissioner of human foods, plans to lead the new Human Foods Program at FDA.
The Food Safety Modernization Act imposed new regulations on imported fruits and vegetables but appears to have had little impact on Mexican exports to the United States, according to an analysis by USDA’s Economic Research Service.
Frank Yiannas, deputy commissioner for food policy and response at the Food and Drug Administration, announced Wednesday he is stepping down from the agency at the end of February. In his resignation letter, he also called for an empowered deputy commissioner for foods to help better manage food safety oversight at FDA.