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Shining Light on Farm & Food Policy for 20 Years.
Sunday, March 02, 2025
The California Chamber of Commerce and California Restaurant Association are suing the state for the recently implemented captive audience ban, SB 399. The complaintalleges the bill violates the First and 14th amendments and oversteps federal regulation by the National Labor Relations Act.
Ian LeMay will be beginning a new role as president of the California Table Grape Commission on Jan. 8. He previously served as president of the California Fresh Fruit Association where he had been for the last nine years.
A bill that would ban new or expanded commercial animal feeding operations has made the California Chamber of Commerce’s list of job-killing proposals in this year’s state legislative session.
The governing board that sets the standards for Cal/OSHA will decide Thursday which COVID-19 workplace restrictions can be lifted when Gov. Gavin Newsom reopens California on June 15.