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Shining Light on Farm & Food Policy for 20 Years.
Tuesday, March 25, 2025
Bill Beam, Aubrey Bettencourt and Pat Swanson have been named to lead USDA's Farm Service Agency, Natural Resources Conservation Service and Risk Management Agency, respectively.
Delegates attending the American Farm Bureau Federation’s annual resolutions session updated several policies and went into executive session to modify their organization’s bylaws, in what many assumed was an effort to clarify membership guidelines and address potential outcomes of an ongoing legal dispute with Illinois Farm Bureau.
Year after year of drought and intense heat that have cooked crops in Texas also have fueled a clash between USDA and the crop insurance industry that has spilled over into discussions of a new farm bill.
Key lawmakers are working on a two-pronged approach to help row crop producers who’ve been hit by the downturn in commodity markets. A lot of work remains to be done, but the goal is to attach some kind of ag relief to a one-year farm bill extension in December.
Leaders of the House and Senate Ag committees are in active discussions about putting elements of a farm bill in an end-of-the year aid package, including possible new funding for commodity programs as well as crop insurance reimbursements.
The National Aeronautics and Space Administration is best known for space exploration, but the organization’s data is also publicly used for an array of purposes to support agriculture, including monitoring crop production, field conditions and global food security.
The 2018 farm bill, which was extended last year until Sept. 30, 2024, has now expired once again. What does that mean for major farm and nutrition programs?
In this opinion piece, Sen. Deb Fischer, R-Neb., argues that the Biden administration and Democrats in Congress are putting climate ideology ahead of providing farmers the assistance they need.
USDA is increasing premium subsidies for the Enhanced Coverage Option, a crop insurance product that provides high levels of area-based yield or revenue coverage.