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Sunday, March 02, 2025
Republican House members from the Midwest and parts of California and Texas represented the nation's 10 top-selling districts for agricultural commodities in 2022, according to new data published by the National Agricultural Statistics Service.
A steady stream of lawmakers filed into the House Ag Committee's hearing room Tuesday where they advocated for changes to crop insurance, trade program expansion and a slate of other policies on their farm bill wishlists.
The European Union has been on a mission for the past decade to ban the foreign use of food names like bologna, gruyere and feta cheese, depriving U.S. producers of markets around the world, but a bipartisan roster of lawmakers has stepped forward to try to curb the EU campaign.
Eight GOP members of the House Agriculture Committee are calling for a hearing with the head of the Environmental Protection Agency to discuss the nation’s pesticide law.
Lawmakers joined biofuel industry officials in ripping the Environmental Protection Agency for delays in releasing its biofuel blending mandates, with one Republican congressman saying it comes close to qualifying as a “broken campaign promise.”
House Agriculture Committee Chairman David Scott says he’ll be working with Republicans on a landmark bill to help Black farmers, following on the debt relief that was part of the new stimulus package.
The new chairman of the House Agriculture Committee, Georgia Rep. David Scott, passed his first test as Democrats stuck together Wednesday night to advance their piece of a sweeping $1.9 trillion stimulus package.
Mike Seyfert has been tapped to lead the National Grain and Feed Association, President-elect Joe Biden has added additional members to the White House COVID-19 Response Team, and Carrie Castille becomes the permanent director of the National Institute of Food and Agriculture.