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Shining Light on Farm & Food Policy for 20 Years.
Friday, March 07, 2025
Farm-state lawmakers guided more than $753 million in USDA funding into home state projects in this fiscal year’s $26.22 billion Agriculture appropriations bill through a system that allows them to direct money to research facilities, hospitals, community buildings and other pet programs.
The American Farm Bureau Federation’s annual meeting is underway in Atlanta, and the president of the nation’s largest ag group is keeping the pressure on the Biden administration to deal with supply chain disruptions and remove barriers to U.S. ag exports.
Amid calls for agriculture to engage fully in the Biden administration’s climate change mitigation plans, the director of USDA’s National Institute of Food and Agriculture has outlined the agency’s priorities for funding and supporting public research.
Beef producers can achieve feed efficiency gains of about 5% by using Enogen corn, a new lifecycle assessment released by Syngenta Seeds and the University of Arkansas Resiliency Center (UARC) has found.
Some big 2021 unknowns persist, including how COVID-19 will continue to disrupt markets and demand, whether government payments will continue to be robust and whether or not U.S. farmers can pivot to gathering more of their income from the marketplace.
Private-sector funding of agricultural research has been growing quickly in recent years, but that does not diminish the importance of using public money to support advances in farming, a panel of experts said at a Farm Foundation forum at the National Press Club Wednesday.
WASHINGTON, July 26, 2017 - The Foundation for Food and Agriculture Research, a nonprofit established in the 2014 farm bill, has awarded $148,499 to Colorado State University scientists who will focus on bacterial leaf streak, ...
WASHINGTON, March 4, 2017 – American agriculture lost one of its staunchest advocates and most gifted leaders this morning with the passing of former Secretary of Agriculture Clayton Yeutter, age 86, after a four-year battle with metastatic colon cancer.