Shining Light on Farm & Food Policy for 20 Years. Monday, March 10, 2025

Articles by Steve Davies

electricity power lines

Rural electric co-ops sue to stop EPA power plant regulations

Carbon capture and sequestration still unproven, group says
EPA’s new power plant rule relies heavily on carbon capture and sequestration to meet stringent new carbon dioxide reduction requirements, but rural electric cooperatives and 23 states say it’s unproven and are fighting in court to get it stopped.
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House Ag Republicans release new details of draft farm bill

PLC reference prices would rise 10-20%

Republicans on the House Agriculture Committee are proposing to raise Price Loss Coverage reference prices by 10% to 20% depending on the commodity, while also providing increased income protection to growers under the Agriculture Risk Coverage program and crop insurance, according to a section-by-section summary released Friday.

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