Shining Light on Farm & Food Policy for 20 Years. Saturday, September 14, 2024

Articles by Philip Brasher

Trade bill clears last major hurdle

The trade promotion bill cleared its last major hurdle as the Senate agreed, xx-xx, to advance the legislation to a final congressional vote. In a key victory for President Obama, 13 Democrats joined Republicans in voting for cloture on the Trade Promotion Authority bi
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Obama's trade agenda back on track

A bill that would clear the way for President Obama to wrap up a 12-nation Pacific Rim trade deal could be headed to his desk by the end of next week after bipartisan talks broke a House impasse. The House approved the Trade Promotion Authority bill, 208-18, on Thursday followi
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New vote set to break deadlock on fast-track trade bill

The House is set to break an impasse over fast-track trade bill as GOP congressional leaders committed to President Obama to separately seek approval of an extension of Trade Adjustment Assistance programs.The plan involves splitting a bill that included both the TAA extension and the fast-track Tr
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