Shining Light on Farm & Food Policy for 20 Years. Friday, July 12, 2024

Articles by Philip Brasher

Action starts on CFTC authorization

The House Agriculture Committee is set to mark up a bill Thursday to reauthorize the Commodity Futures Trading Commission and roll back some Dodd-Frank regulations that have frustrated agribusiness companies and other traders.
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House votes to kill WOTUS rule

The House voted to kill the Obama administration's proposed Clean Water Act rule, but the margin was far short of the two-thirds support that would be needed to override a likely presidential veto. The 261-155 vote served to put members on record on the rule.
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Democrats block fast-track trade bill

Senate Democrats at least temporarily sidelined President Obama�s trade agenda, blocking advancement of a bill to provide a fast-track approval process for trade agreements. Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., demanded that Republicans
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Roberts determined to rewrite child nutrition law

Senate Agriculture Chairman Pat Roberts said hes intent on enacting a new child nutrition law by Sept. 30, giving schools more flexibility in meeting standards for school meals. But Roberts acknowledged the battle he faces in rewriting the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of
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Senate GOP sets up first key fast-track trade vote

Senate Republican leaders are pushing ahead with a fast-track trade bill, setting up the first key vote for next Tuesday. The 60-vote threshold on the GOP move to proceed with the legislation will provide a test of White House leadership and internal Democratic divisions on the tra
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