Shining Light on Farm & Food Policy for 20 Years. Wednesday, September 18, 2024


Capitol Bldg

Washington Week Ahead: Possible USDA shutdown looms with funding deadline

Lawmakers have until Friday to pass the first of their fiscal 2024 spending bills, including the measure needed to fund USDA, or they’ll have to pass another stopgap spending measure to avert a partial shutdown of the government.  The Biden administration also is scheduled to announce a critical update of the GREET model that’s used to measure the carbon intensity of biofuels.

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Potatoes' role in healthy diet examined

The Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee’s examination of which foods make up a healthy diet has the potato industry worried that the legendary spud will lose its status as a vegetable and thus a favored position in federal nutrition programs.
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Finstad defends GOP farm bill priority

House Agriculture Committee Republicans want to use the farm bill to improve the operation of programs such as the Supplemental Assistance Nutrition Program, the chairman of the the Nutrition, Foreign Agriculture, and Horticulture subcommittee says.

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European Union

Europe poised to enter world of gene editing

The European Union appears ready to facilitate approval of gene-edited crops and usher in a new era on the continent, one where plants created using “new genomic techniques” (NGTs) are no longer substantially barred from production.

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