Shining Light on Farm & Food Policy for 20 Years. Saturday, September 28, 2024


Appeals court: EPA must examine RFS program's environmental impact

D.C. Circuit rejects challenges from refiners, biofuels industry
A federal appeals court has upheld the Environmental Protection Agency’s 2019 renewable fuel volumes in the face of challenges from both the biofuels and oil industries, but also ordered EPA to re-examine the impacts of the program on the environment, particularly endangered species.
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Gas pump

Appeals court strikes down E15 waiver

A major Trump administration action to expand the availability of higher blends of biofuels suffered a significant legal setback Friday that could lead to a fresh moratorium on summertime sales of 15% ethanol blends.
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Rural broadband

Report lays out three crucial components for successful state rural broadband efforts

State governments across the nation are looking to improve broadband service for their residents, using different approaches and with unique end goals in mind. However, a recent fact sheet published by the Pew Charitable Trusts found that there are three important components that the most successful states have implemented: a broadband office, planning and technical assistance for local and regional entities, and a competitive grant program.
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