Shining Light on Farm & Food Policy for 20 Years. Thursday, September 05, 2024



Senate budget spares farm bill

WASHINGTON, Sept. 29, 2017 - Republicans released a fiscal 2018 budget resolution that would clear the way for $1.5 trillion in tax cuts while requiring no reduction in farm bill spending.
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Updating base could help farm bill funding, but at political cost

WASHINGTON, Sept. 27, 2017 - As lawmakers are preparing to write the next farm bill, they're strapped for the cash they need to cover a long list of demands. One source of money is to require farmers to update their crop base acreage, which determines what they receive in commodity payments, but the idea would face significant political challenges.
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Groups seek changes in conservation, crop insurance incentives

WASHINGTON, Sept. 27, 2017 - A coalition of environmental groups, joined by the National Farmers Union and National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition, want Congress to tighten enforcement of conservation compliance, increase spending on conservation programs and revise crop insurance rules to encourage more farmers to plant cover crops.
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Livestock hauler

Livestock haulers push back on DOT’s ‘Hours of Service’ rule

WASHINGTON, September 27, 2017—Livestock haulers have lost discretionary control over their livelihoods and risk endangering the lives of the animals they transport because of a one-size-fits-all Department of Transportation Hours of Service (HOS) rule and the Electronic Logging Device that aggressively monitors it, industry experts and agricultural groups say.
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Roberts with Sara

Roberts: Not the time for a revolutionary farm bill

WASHINGTON, Sept. 20, 2017 - Farmers and ranchers would like to see a new farm bill “sooner rather than later,” says Kansas Sen. Pat Roberts, but he is still in the process of listening to members and various interest groups, while waiting for final budget numbers.
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