Shining Light on Farm & Food Policy for 20 Years. Saturday, September 07, 2024



What's in, what's out of the new USMCA for US ag

The biotech portion of the U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement is just one example of several new ag provisions that were added during the overhaul of the North American Free Trade Agreement – NAFTA 2.0 as some are calling it - over the past year of negotiations.
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Donald Trump

Trump announces E15 goals, but questions remain

President Donald Trump rolled out the administration’s plans to allow summer E15 sales on Tuesday. But now, the Environmental Protection Agency has to actually implement the regulation to make that happen, which could prove to be a vexing legal dilemma.
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Tariffs sour NAFTA deal for cheese makers

The successful renegotiation of the North American Free Trade Agreement could turn out to be a hollow victory for some of the largest U.S. cheese companies if the Trump administration doesn’t pull back its steel and aluminum tariffs on Mexico.
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Farm bill expiration impact varies

The average farmer probably won’t notice anytime soon that the 2014 farm bill has expired, but producers who try to sign up for some conservation programs could be turned away, and some commodity groups will have to go without some trade promotion funding on which they have counted.
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