Shining Light on Farm & Food Policy for 20 Years. Saturday, September 07, 2024


Theresa May

Brexit vote called off

British Prime Minister Theresa May today called off a Tuesday vote by the U.K. Parliament on her negotiated plan to withdraw from the European Union. Without giving a specific timeline, May said the vote was delayed because she believed her Brexit plan "would be rejected by a significant margin.”
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Chinese flag

Big questions remain over Chinese trade

President Donald Trump and the White House have been making some big promises about China coming back into the market to purchase U.S. farm commodities, but the details over which products, how much, and when this will happen remain murky beyond descriptive terms like “massive amounts” and “immediately.”
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President Donald Trump

Trump’s threat to nix NAFTA adds big threat to ag

President Donald Trump, while talking to reporters aboard Air Force One this weekend, dropped a trade bomb few were expecting: He said he planned to officially notify Mexico and Canada that he will pull the U.S. out of the North American Free Trade Agreement, giving Congress six months to ratify his new trade pact or suffer the consequences.
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