Shining Light on Farm & Food Policy for 20 Years. Saturday, September 07, 2024



Hemp producers stuck somewhere between two farm bills

The delay in passing and implementing the 2018 farm bill has left hemp producers and state departments of agriculture dealing with a world of uncertainty regarding everything from importing seed to providing guidance to law enforcement about how to regulate the transportation of hemp across state lines.
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Robert Lighthizer

US and Japan to begin trade talks Monday

U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer and Japanese Economy Minister Toshimitsu Motegi are scheduled to begin two days of talks on a free trade agreement in Washington Monday, U.S. government officials tell Agri-Pulse.
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Perdue at House Ag Approps hearing 4-9-19

Perdue signals flexibility on SNAP, defends agency moves

Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue suggested to lawmakers that his department could soften the definition of able-bodied adults who are subject to food stamp work requirements, but he declined to budge from a USDA reorganization plan to relocate two research agencies out of the nation's capital.
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