Shining Light on Farm & Food Policy for 20 Years. Sunday, September 08, 2024


Sen. Pat Roberts

Roberts: Don’t take crop insurance for granted

The Trump Administration proposed another blow to the crop insurance industry in the president’s annual budget, but Senate Agriculture Committee Chairman Pat Roberts, R-Kans., made it clear that risk management tools should not be cut because they are crucial for both farmers and consumers.
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Phyllis Fong

USDA IG investigating MFP payments

The Agriculture Department’s inspector general is undertaking an extended investigation of the administration’s trade assistance programs, starting with whether USDA had the proper legal authority to make direct payments to farmers.
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Water infrastructure bill set for spring

Lawmakers are expressing confidence that they can they can pass a water projects authorization bill this year despite the distraction of a campaign where control of both Congress and the White House will be at stake. 
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World Trade Organization

US lays out list of WTO complaints

The Trump administration has laid out a lengthy list of its complaints and demands for changes in the World Trade Organization’s appellate body five months ahead of the WTO’s twelfth ministerial meeting that will be held in Kazakhstan.
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