Shining Light on Farm & Food Policy for 20 Years. Sunday, September 08, 2024


US Flag on Barn

Daybreak Oct. 26: Pelosi wants another term

It’s all but certain at this point that Congress won’t pass a big new stimulus bill before the election. But a deal in the lame duck session remains a possibility. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Sunday suggested she opposes waiting until next year when Democrats could have control of the White House and the Senate.
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John Boozman

Daybreak Oct. 21: ‘We know we need to do more’

Sen. John Boozman, who is set to take over as the top Republican on the Senate Ag Committee, next year is optimistic that Congress will provide more aid to farmers for the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. The question is when a new aid package will pass, and that looks unlikely before the election.
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