Shining Light on Farm & Food Policy for 20 Years. Friday, October 18, 2024

News Articles

Agri-Pulse Daybreak for January 4, 2017

President Barack Obama, Mike Pence, Affordable Care Act, Sonny Perdue, Abel Maldanado, Zippy Duvall, Jeff Sessions, Steve Daines, Ben Sasse, Thom Tillis, Chris Van Hollen, Jerry Moran, Joni Ernst, Tammy Duckworth, Kamala Harris, Renewable
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Agri-Pulse Daybreak for January 3, 2017

The Agriculture seat in Donald Trump0s cabinet will be one of the last top positions filled, but the vacancy isn0t expected to last much longer. It seemed last week that Trump would choose a Texan for the position 0 he interviewed former Rep. Henry Bonilla, Elsa Murano&
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Trump picks Lighthizer for USTR

President-elect Donald Trump has chosen Robert Lighthizer as U.S. Trade Representative, where he0ll play a major role in Trump0s plan to scrap or renegotiate multilateral trade deals including NAFTA and the Trans-Pacific Partnership.
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Trump interviews more Texans for USDA post

President-elect Donald Trump scheduled meetings with three Texans who are candidates for agriculture secretary, including former Rep. Henry Bonilla and former state official Susan Combs, who has already met with Vice President-elect Mike Pence
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