Shining Light on Farm & Food Policy for 20 Years. Friday, October 18, 2024

News Articles

Agri-Pulse Daybreak for January 5, 2017

Chairman Pat Roberts, Sean Spicer, Sonny,Perdue, Scott Pruitt, RFS, John Thune, Rhea Suh, Natural Resources Defense Council, Rex Tillerson, Ryan Zinke, Rick Perry, David Goldston, CFTC, Mike Conaway, Dan Newhouse, Genscape, RINs
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Trump still mum on pick for Ag Secretary

Donald Trump takes office in just over two weeks and we still don0t know who his agriculture secretary is going to be. Last week, it appeared that Trump planned to select a Hispanic for the post, either former Texas Rep. Henry Bonilla or former Texas A&M University Presiden
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GOP tax reform plans offer broad impact on agriculture

Congressional Republicans are preparing to move a broad overhaul of the tax code that would have significant implications for farmers. A House GOP proposal could raise the cost of fuel but wipe out the federal estate tax and lower income tax rates while allowing farmers and ranchers to immedia
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