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EU leaders look to delay anti-deforestation law

The European Commission is seeking a one-year delay in the implementation of an anti-deforestation law with implications for U.S. beef and soy producers as it looks for answers to a flurry of questions from the U.S. and its other trade partners about how such a policy would work.

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Farm Hands on the Potomac General Graphic

Farm Hands on the Potomac: Gonzalez to lead IPFA communications, Keppen to depart Family Farm Alliance

Working Lands for Wildlife tapped Tanner Swank as great plains grasslands biome manager. Family Farm Alliance executive director Dan Keppen will step down from the position at the organization’s annual meeting in October 2025.

Sarah Gonzalez departed from her role at the National Grain and Feed Association to lead communications and public affairs at the International Fresh Produce Association. The National Pork Producers Council added Jake Sterle to staff as director of industry resource development. House Majority Leader Steve Scalise promoted Leah McPhearson to legislative assistant to cover agriculture, food and animal portfolio areas. 

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