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Shining Light on Farm & Food Policy for 20 Years.
Thursday, March 06, 2025
The Justice Department and the Federal Trade Commission have finalized a new set of merger guidelines that lay out the framework the two agencies will use when investigating future mergers.
The Department of Agriculture posted new documentation Tuesday that will serve as guidance for how it regulates livestock markets while USDA develops more detailed rules.
A “Buy American” executive order President Biden signed in January has prompted the Agriculture Department to take a closer look at how current rules on buying domestic products for school meals are being enforced.
The Agriculture Department is looking for feedback on how to develop a climate-smart agriculture and forestry strategy as part of its implementation of an executive order on reducing carbon emissions.
Farmer cooperatives hope a new “Made in America” directive from the Biden administration will lead to more U.S. products being used in the nation’s school lunch program.
At a time when economic stimulus is needed most, an emerging industry like aquaculture can provide American communities with new opportunities to help support struggling industries and get Americans back to work. Read more on Bill DiMento’s thoughts in this opinion piece.
Ag Secretary Sonny Perdue says plants that have slowed operations or shut their doors due to the COVID-19 pandemic need to develop a plan to bring their facilities back online.
An executive order expected to be signed Tuesday at the White House would call on meatpacking plants to remain open during the coronavirus pandemic, but critics say it is forcing workers back into a dangerous environment.
WASHINGTON, March 28, 2017 - President Donald Trump signed a far-reaching Executive Order (EO) Tuesday designed to roll back many Obama-era energy regulations and create new American jobs in the energy sector.
WASHINGTON, Mar. 7, 2017 - Anti-hunger activists target next farm bill * USDA says it has contained bird flu outbreak * Spain could profit from U.S. bird flu