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Thursday, March 06, 2025
Nine Democratic members of Congress – including four from the California delegation – are calling on the Environmental Protection Agency to advance a rule that would allow electric vehicles to be part of the federal Renewable Fuel Standard.
House lawmakers are setting the stage for a farm bill battle over international food aid with new legislation to diminish the role of non-profit humanitarian groups and eliminate the roles of cash and non-U.S. origin food in the assistance delivered around the world.
Criticism is piling up on the Federal Maritime Commission’s attempt to define exactly what a reasonable reason is for ocean carrier companies to refuse to haul U.S. farm commodity exports to their destinations overseas.
The House of Representatives voted 369-42 Monday to approve the Senate’s version of the Ocean Shipping Reform Act in an effort to reduce bottlenecks at U.S. ports and improve conditions for agricultural exports. The overwhelming vote sends the legislation to the White House, where President Joe Biden says he will sign it.
The House of Representatives Friday narrowly approved the America COMPETES Act, pushing the legislation that is supposed to make the U.S. more competitive with China closer to enactment. While similar to the Senate version passed last summer, the House bill – passed with a 222-210 vote – includes significant differences such as the inclusion of the Ocean Shipping Reform Act as well as reauthorizes and alters the Trade Adjustment Assistance and Generalized System of Preferences programs.
The Ocean Shipping Reform Act, a bill aimed at ending port bottlenecks for ag exports, was introduced in the Senate Thursday even as sponsors of a tougher House-passed version sought to ramp up pressure for its enactment.