Shining Light on Farm & Food Policy for 20 Years. Thursday, September 26, 2024

Articles Tagged with ''water''


Q+A: Karen Ross' takeaways from COP26

CDFA Secretary Karen Ross recently returned from the COP26 climate conference in Glasglow, Scotland, where she talked about California’s climate-smart ag programs and met with counterparts from around the world. She spoke with Agri-Pulse about her impressions.
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Sophisticated plant breeding offers more ways to combat drought, climate change

The rainy season is kicking off with enough moisture to ease some Californians’ water worries, but the long-term outlook for agriculture remains one that calls upon farmers to maximize “crop per drop.” In the case of almonds, one of the state’s most profitable crops, it could take decades to transition from existing trees to others that can achieve similar yields with less water.
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