Articles Tagged with ''Renewable Fuel Standard''

Capitol Bldg

Washington Week Ahead: Key Trump cabinet picks get pre-inauguration hearings

A bevy of President-elect Donald Trump’s top selections for his cabinet get confirmation hearings this week, including former Rep. Lee Zeldin, picked to head the EPA, and North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum, selected for the dual role of Interior secretary and White House energy czar. The Biden administration also is expected to release new regulatory actions in its final week.

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What Trump’s new cabinet means for ag, food and energy policy

President-elect Donald Trump is setting up a cabinet of unusually diverse views and backgrounds that together could have a far-reaching impact on the food and agriculture sectors. Farm groups will be counting on his pick to lead USDA, Brooke Rollins, to be an advocate for ag within an administration. North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum could be a key ally on energy policy.

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EPA regs on biogas producers upheld by D.C. Circuit

Court also rejects request for stay of power plant rule

A federal appeals court has upheld EPA regulations covering biogas producers who want to benefit from the Renewable Fuel Standard, saying that under the law, the agency “must be able to verify that the biogas-derived fuel it is being asked to count as renewable was made with the correct biogas.”

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